
Manging analysis and laboratory data is now easier than ever with MagniLAB.

MagniLAB This software seamlessly integrates with Magnifeed Industry® to update the analysis data and certificate elaboration.
It provides: MagniLAB Manging analysis and laboratory data is now easier than ever with Magnilab. This software seamlessly integrates with Magnifeed Industry® to update the analysis data and certificate elaboration.

Quality control

Parameters evaluation

Intuitive and simple report elaboration

Specific nutritional plans

Magnilab is designed for the nutritional evaluation of foods for the preparation of a adequate formulation of feed. With just a few clicks, enter the data, save, create statistics, export or print the analysis.


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Call us for a demonstration or for advice, we will be happy to give you all the information on our products dedicated to your company.


Fill out the CONTACT FORM with your details, we will reply as soon as possible..
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